We are an exclusive cattery of hairless cats

We are one of the most successful official catteries of unique hairless breeds of cats Don Sphynx and Ukrainian Levkoy in the Czech Republic and in Europe. You can find our kennel Bourcheron*cz in Prague.
On our website we will try to pass on our rich personal experience of breeding amazing hairless cats Don Sphynx and Ukrainian Levkoy. We also want to provide interesting news, answer your questions and correct some not entirely true information spreading on the Internet about these seemingly mysterious creatures.


Our cattery breeds rare hairless cats called Don sphynx and Ukrainian Levkoy.
The breed of Don sphynx was officially recognized by the international felinology organization WCF (World Cat Federation) in 1997.
The Ukrainian Levkoy was bred by crossing two very extravagant breeds – the Don Sphynx and the Scottish Flappy Cat. The breed was recognized in 2005 by the Ukrainian breeding organization CFA RUI and later by the Russian CFA WCA.
The advantages of these cats are: absence of fur, cleanliness, high intelligence, boundless love for people and animals, kindness and sensitivity, excellent health.
Our cats


We are launching a an advance reservation of kittens
For lovers of hairless cats, we have great news! We are expecting new kittens. The expected date of birth is mid-February 2025. Those interested in these beautiful creatures can secure the priority right to choose their new feline pet now,
Our participation in the International Cat Show
On April 20 and 21, the International Cat Show was held at the Top Hotel in Prague, of which, as usual, we again became participants. This time our kennel was represented by Irvin Elison Fire, our second breeding beauty of
Useful information for a new breeder
Takže se u vás objevilo první vaše Sphynx koťátko, právě jste si ho vzali z chovatelské stanice a s mírným strachem nevíte, co dnes večer čekat.😁 ☝️Jaké reakce může mít miminko při změně bydliště? 😻Sfinga je velmi emocionální zvíře, pravděpodobně nejemotivnější ze